miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

My year

Well, I think a good thing that happened in my life was when we got our little puppy named snoopy, he is like my little brother and I really love him, when I'm sad he cheered me up with his toys and running around looking for them, I really think that he is a very important part of my family and that's why I considered him a good thing that happened in my life.

I don't remember any situation that did not go so well, everytime something bad happened in my life I just wait and the time solve it for me, so yeah, I don't remember any really bad thing, I've not had any problem with my family, neither in school nor university, so I can say I'm a person with luck in this aspect. 

My achievements this year were that I was able to were positive in my normal life so I learn to control my emotions  and stay positive with the things that were happening to me, another achievement was to learn to arrange my times so I was able to study with time and this arrange was very good for me because my grades got better than one year ago, so I'm very happy about that.

I think I had done almost everything I wanted to this year, I think the only thing I didn't do and it was because I didn't have the time, was to read more, I have a lot of books in my house that I really want to read but I don't have the time because the University consume almost all my reading time and that's really frustrating, in my summer vacations I would read like a maniac, that's a fact. 

I think a very important thing that had happened in my life this year is that I fell in love, is a very corny thing but for me is very important because in this very moment I'm extremely happy because of this, another important thing that happened was, like I already said, that my grades got higher and that helped me to believe in myself, and well, I think everything is going very well for me. 

English Language Challenges

I really enjoyed this subject in the University. I liked the way the class was, we had to talk everything in English and, after all, that is the best way to practice English, you can know a lot about grammar but if you don't know how to pronounce or you don't understand the other person who's talking to you, you're are lost.

I don't think the use of blogs was the best way to learn or practice English, I think it is better to talk in English, like I already said, but well, that's my personal opinion. I don't think blogs were a bad way to learn english, I really enjoyed them, but I don't think it is the best way to do it. 

I really need to improve the speaking part of the English. I can understand everything someone tell me in English, but it is very difficult for me to formulate the same sentence because I'm not use to speak in English, this language is not my born language so I'm not use to speak it everyday, that's my principal problem and I really need to improve that. I was thinking about taking some classes in some English institute so I would be able to talk in English constantly. I was also thinking about read in English all over again; I used to read almost everyday in English when I was in school, but I lost that habit when I entered into the University (I almost don't have time to read any other book that it is not in the program of my classes). When I read constantly in English everything was awesome because I was use to do that and I didn't even realized I was actually reading in other language, it was something natural for me, I miss those days. 

Well, this days, like I already said, I'm not using my English that much, I only use it when I'm on the internet (almost everything is in English in there, well, at least the webs I visit) or sometimes when my dad ask me to translate an email for him, but that's all. I really feel bad about saying that bacause some years ago I used English almost everyday, but I'm going to get back into those days, that's a promise I'm making to myself.  

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

Let's recycle!

The word "recycle" has been part of my language since I've memory, my family have always recycled and helped the enviroment with this practice, well, it is not all my family, just my mom, but as I'm very close to her I learned this from her. 

I always separate the things to take them to this special place where they recieve all the stuff, like, when I drink a can of soda I always put it apart, not in the normal trash with all the other things, so yeah, I think I've incorporated these recycling habits in my life and they don't bother me at all, I really like to do these things, I feel like I'm helping to have a better world in the future. 

Well, I'm not that green, I don't use a bike and I don't like to walk that much, the only "green" thing I do is recycling, I don't really like to ride a bike so I think that's why I'm not interested in that kind of thing.

As I said I separate the trash in my house, I'm not in any kind of eco-organization or something, I don't think I've to join an organization to help with something, I can do it on my own in my house without the need of an organization 

After we separate everything with my mom we always go to a supermarket near our house where they receive the recycling and leave everything there, it is like a routine for me and my mom and I really love it, it is something we are use to do, like a mom and daughter time. Something that my mom and me would like to do is to have a compost to put all the organic waste, but we can't have it in our house because it is not that big, so the smell of that would be awful, although we have thought to buy a special compost for small places (it is like a trash can) but we haven't bought it just because we've forgot about this. 

I don't think I've ever thought about reducing my carbon foorprint, I don't know how I can reduce that and it has never crossed my mind to do it, I'm not sure if with the things I already do I reduce this footprint or not, but well, let's hope it does. 

I think a very important thing to teach in school when we are young is about recycling, it is not that hard, it is not something that's impossible or that would take a lot of time, so I really think that the most important thing here is to teach the young kids about that, and well, it would be awesome to have more places to take the recycling, because sometimes there are not that many places so you have to drive and drive just to leave all your recycling because some places just receive certain kind of things (bottles, tetrapak and newspaper) and not all the other things that you can recycle like cans, plastic bags, batteries, and so many other things, and it is really annoying to arrive to that place and realize that you can't leave your recyling there because they only receive some things. 

lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013

$ Money $

Well, money for me is not the most important thing in life, yeah, I know that unfortunately you need to have money so you can have a "good" life, but for me money is not the number one thing in my list, I just think it is more important to enjoy life and well, earn money (even though is a little amount) doing the things you love, that's the most important thing. 

When I do have money I use to spend it in concert tickets or clothes, actually I think those are the only things I spend my money on all the time. I love going to shows so that's why I don't care spending money in that and I actually love to spend my money on that, and well, buying clothes is something that I really enjoy doing, is to look for cute dresses or well, anything. 

I think I'm pretty good at managing my budget just because I don't spend that much money, as I've already said I only buy concert tickets or clothes so I'm not a big of a spender so I've my money for a long time, sometimes I've the money from a job I have every January almost every year.

I've never thought about the fact of being a millionaire so I don't think I'm going to have a decent answer for this, I think I'm just going to have a childish answer but well. I think if I was a millionaire I would love to buy tickets to every concert I want to or travel around the world without caring about the fact that I might run out of money at any moment. That would be great, to go to a lot of countries and just have fun. 

I don't have anything that has a big value, I think the most valuable thing I have are my guitars and well, I think that might be the only thing that I could pawn and get some money out of it, I would hate to do that because I love my guitars but if I have no choice I think it would be the only thing that I would have to do because well, I don't have rings or jewelry. 

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

The Guardian talks about Camila Vallejo

This piece of  news talks about who Camila Vallejo is and why is she famous not only in Chile but in the whole world. You can realized by reading the paper that this was written 1 or 2 years ago because they talk about Camila Vallejo as a student and not as a politician like she is now.

The piece of news said that Camila Vallejo is a young and beautiful girl who studies geography at Universidad de Chile who is also membership of the JJCC in Chile (part of the communist party) and that she was one of the main person who led the students protests in 2011.

The paper told us how she was part (in an active way) of the protests where she was singing and marching along with the other students that she led. She was the face of the movement so she of course was considered as a leadership of it.

It also describe us how the marchs were, the repression of the police against the journalists, students and pedestrians, how some people cover their faces just to attack banks, pharmacies and other stuffs and it specially talks us about how the youth was taking the power and was marching to say out loud what they wanted, that in this case is a free education. It also talks about how in one time Camila Vallejo was in one of the marchs and got hit by a water cannon from the police (which it wasn't water at all, was more like chemicals, anything but water I think) and tear gas wich was a horrible experience for her.

The piece of paper is based specially in how she influenced in the rest of the students to go to the streets and march for their rights, in this case is the education but it can also be any other. The government of course blamed her for the chaos that the marchs provoked that year because as I already said she was the face of the whole movement and she was the person who made the call to go to the protests so is very obvious why they blamed her.

This is why she is now so popular in the whole world, the paper also talks about how people from a lot of countries sent her fan mails and wanted to talk to her (have an interview or anything else), she was like an inpiration to the youth in many countries.

The piece of paper I used:

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

Let's talk about elections

Well, if we talk about elections first of all I didn't want to vote for anyone because none of the candidates convince me so I wanted to go and invalidate my vote, writting something or just marking all of the candidates so my vote was not going to have any preference for any of the candidates, but when the time pass I look at all the candidates and I really like the things that one candidate says, even though I know she's not going to win (I don't want to vote for her because I want her to win, I'm voting for her because I like the things she says and well, between invalidate my vote and vote for someone, the answer is pretty clear), after all these thoughts I can say that yes, I'm going to vote.
I don't really like the electoral campaigns, I think it is the time were politicians just make promises but never acomplish them at the end, plus I hate all those papers all around the city contaminating everywere and blocking the view for the people that are driving (I drive so I can say that many times that I've been driving I'm not able to see because of those things).
I don't know for an exact quality, I just think that it might be a person who stays true to themself, a person that doesn't say things just because, someone that's charismatic and knows about what is failing in the country (or region, it depends on the candidate and where he or she is postulating).
I would never be a politician, I don't really like them at all, I think they are all liars and just want to have our votes smiling in their campaigns, I would hate to become one of those, I want to stay out of that world (if it's possible).
Well, like I already said I hate all the panflets that are everywhere, that's one of my principal critique I think, the whole city looks horrible with all the panflets on the buildings, streets, is just everywhere and I don't think the people actually see the signs and say like: Oh I think that sign convinces me, I'm going to vote for her/him! I think that maybe more debates or things like that would be more constructive for all the political scene.

My favorite band

Well, this is a picture of my favorite band at this very moment, their name is Parkway Drive, they are 5 guys from Australia.
I don't know a lot about them in a personal way, I just love their music. I don't know any personal thing about this guys, the most personal thing I know is that they are from Australia and love to surf.
They play a kind of music that's call "metalcore" this type of music have guitar solos, a lot of screams and drums and is the type of music I listen the most. 
What I love about this band is their music in general, the way they play it, how the singer screams (I know that this sounds really weird, but I really like that about this band), the guitar solos and specially the way the drummer plays.
Chose my favorite song is very hard, because I think it depends on the album, I've a different favorite song for each album of them, but in this very moment the song I'm listening and enjoying the most is called Wild Eyes, I just love the the way the song start with the crowd screaming and the sound of the drums.

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

My remarkable day

Well, I think one of my remarkable days might be this one day when I was able to see one of my favorite bands at that moment (2012). At first I couldn't believe the band was coming to Chile, the last country in the world and the country that almost no american know about. But well, they came and that's the important thing. 

I remebered that I was extremely excited and the only thing I wanted to do was to scream because I was so excited and it was everything so perfect.

The moment when the show started I couldn't believe where I was, the show was at the Coupolican Theatre, this theatre is pretty small so it wasn't a problem to get into the first row in just seconds (thanks to some friends, because I was almost in shock). 

When I saw those 4 guys in front of me and so close to me was the moment when I realized where I actually was, it was incredible.

My friends where there with me the whole time just having fun with me and taking care of me bacause I was so excited that I was afraid I would faint just because of the excitement I was feeling, but thanks to them it went everything OK.

This day was a perfect one and I would love to repeat it over and over again just to feel the ecstasy I was feeling in that Theatre. 

At this very moment that band is not my favorite one (the band was All Time Low) but I will always remember that day with happiness and joy.

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

France ooh la la

Well, I would like to visit France. I've always had a secret love for this country and specially for their language, I really think French is the language of love and romanticism. (I've always thought that if a boy talks to me in French I would fall for him, even though I didn't know what he's saying).
I would love to go there because I think it might be so spectacular, the eiffel tower and the whole romantic scene (it is very obvious that I think that France is the city of love).

Well, I don't know that much about the country, only what I had seen in movies (the eiffel tower full of lights and how it shines in the romantic night of France), I don't think France is like the perfect place or something, I have listened that French people are very impolite, specially to foreigners, but I can take the risk, anything to see this beautiful city in action.

I would like to walk everywhere, specially in the night where I can see the lights of the buildings and the moon. I think that every city is better in the night, because of all the lights and the mistery that the night has. Also, I have always thought that the romanticism of every city is in the night, where you can be with your lover or anyone looking at the moon, so in France the night time might be just amazing. 

I think that almost all the people would like to study or work in another country, it might be an amazing experience to study in another language and to live in another culture. I would really like to study in France (as long as they let me to have classes in English I think I would do very well, since I know nothing about French), and If someone offers me to work there I wouldn't think it twice, I would pack my things in the first suitcase I find and take the plane to that amazing place.

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

My ideal job

I think my ideal job would be to be in the music industry, actually that's one of my dreams, I would love to produce music or to make my own music, either of these options is perfect for me.
I would love to travel around the world playing my own music or to have my own studio and produce other people's music. 

The qualities I would need to have to do this job is to have some music knowledge, like read music and write it, also I would have to know how to use the machines that are specially designed to record the music and to mix it up.

I think I would be good at this job because I have music knowledge and I love to play music (I play guitar and sing) also it would be amazing to be able to record my own music so I can put it on a CD or something like that.(I've tried to record my music but I don't have all the machines that I need so it is very complicated).

The jobs in the music industry (specially in Chile) are very difficult to find, the music in Chile (with this I mean the Chilean musicians) for some reason is not that successful,  is very hard to find the way where you can succeed in this area, but I think if you want something really badly and you put all your effort to be able to do it, you're going to make it and you would be extremely happy with your life. 

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013


Hi, I'm Camila Coronado, I'm 20 years old, I'm on my second year in the career of public administration in the Universidad de Chile.
I live with my parents, my older sister and my little dog that is like another member of the family (like a little brother).
I love music, I actually play the guitar (which I've been studying for 6 years now) and I can also sing. The music I like the most is rock (I like the type of rock where the singer screams and there are a lot of guitars solos and those kind of stuff). 
I also love animals, I would love to take care of them all but that's a little impossible since I can't have more than one animal in my house. This love for animals made me a vegetarian because I don't want them to suffer just because I want some meat, I've been a vegetarian for 6 years now. 

In the English part I think my weaknesses are: the talking part and the past tense, present tense and future tense. Sometimes I make mistakes with this and when I want to talk in past I say the verb in present or in future and I get really nervous, this is why I also have trouble with the speaking part because I'm not used to talk in English, so when I'm trying to speak with someone I forget some words or talk in other tense and there's when I get really really nervous. So my expectations of this class are that I end up talking fluently (so I can keep a conversation with someone that doesn't know any Spanish) and to fix my problems with the tenses, because it is very embarrasing when I'm talking in English and I figure out that I said something in past when I'm talking in present. 

Second term 2013

lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

Let's talk about Maquiavelo

I really admire the Italian philosofer Maquiavelo, this admiration started when I had to read one of his books (The Prince) the last semester for the university and the way he look and write everything really left me on the  edge, and kept me very interested during the whole book,  I actually read it twice.

Like I said, he was born in Italy on 1469 and he died on 1527. He was a historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher, humanist and writer based in Florence during the Renaissance.
He had a very important position in the Republic of Florence during the time where de Medici were out of power, before they came back. 

The big importance of this author was that he was one of the creators of the modern political science, and with this Maquiavelo made a huge change in the politics for the rest of the humanity and an important evolution on this field.

The book I read for the university was the book that made him notorious in the whole world, The Prince.
This philosofer is very known as the creator of the word "machiavellianism" wich describe the things that appear on his books. 

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

my fav band

Well, today I'm gonna talk about one of my favorite bands in this very moment, their name is Parkway Drive and I'm pretty much in love with this guys from the picture above.
This perfect band is formed by 5 guys (Ben Gordon, Luke Kilpatrick, Jeff Ling, Winston McCall, Jia O'Connor), they are from Australia specifically from  Byron Bay, New South Wales. They got together on 2002 and since then they had tour a lot including their own country and many others in solo concerts or festivals (like Warped Tour in The United States). They play metalcore wich involve a lot of drums, guitars and screams. Is that kind of music that a lot of people hate because they think is just noise entering their ears.

I love this guys because that's pretty much the music I'm into, the one where you can scream with them in the concerts and just mosh around, plus I love the sound of their guitars and drums, for me they are very catchy. 

They had come to Chile just once, and I didn't go to their concert because I didn't know them at that moment, I really hate myself for that.

One of my favorite song of them is Deadweight, I love all their songs, but this is one of my favorite just bacause I think is more catchy, and I'm very in love with the drums at the beggining. 

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

If you want to know about me, just read

Hi guys, my name is Camila Coronado, I'm 19 years old and I'm going to turn 20 on the 8th of May.
I live in Santiago, to be specific in Las Condes. I really like the place where I live but I would rather to live in a more central place like the center of Santiago, for example.
I really love the city, so I'm very happy living in Santiago, some people would say that they hate all the noise that the city have or that everything is happening so fast, but that's the part that I love about cities.

I live with my whole family, that means my mom, my dad, one sister and my baby dog that is like my little brother.

My elementary studies where in the Colegio Pedro de Valdivia (the one that is in Las Condes).
Nowadays I'm studying Public Administration in the Universidad de Chile and I really like it, so I can  say I'm happy with the career I chose. 

I really love music, I always say that music is a very important part of my life, I actually have a tattoo that represent that love so everyone can tell that is very important for me, I sing and play guitar so like you can tell music use a very huge part in my life.
I like rock music, specially the one that have a lot of guitars, drums and if it has screams is everything better, one of my favorites bands at this moment are Parkway Drive and As I Lay Dying.
I also love the old rock, like Queen, Bon Jovi and all those kinds of bands, all those bands alre a complete influence of my dad and I can say that I thank him for that. 

I really like all the tattoo and piercing style, I have piercings and like I already told you a tattoo, I like to go to concerts, I have went to a ton of concerts, I really don't have a number of concerts I've been to, it's really way too much. 

I think that's all I can say for now, have fun!