lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

The Guardian talks about Camila Vallejo

This piece of  news talks about who Camila Vallejo is and why is she famous not only in Chile but in the whole world. You can realized by reading the paper that this was written 1 or 2 years ago because they talk about Camila Vallejo as a student and not as a politician like she is now.

The piece of news said that Camila Vallejo is a young and beautiful girl who studies geography at Universidad de Chile who is also membership of the JJCC in Chile (part of the communist party) and that she was one of the main person who led the students protests in 2011.

The paper told us how she was part (in an active way) of the protests where she was singing and marching along with the other students that she led. She was the face of the movement so she of course was considered as a leadership of it.

It also describe us how the marchs were, the repression of the police against the journalists, students and pedestrians, how some people cover their faces just to attack banks, pharmacies and other stuffs and it specially talks us about how the youth was taking the power and was marching to say out loud what they wanted, that in this case is a free education. It also talks about how in one time Camila Vallejo was in one of the marchs and got hit by a water cannon from the police (which it wasn't water at all, was more like chemicals, anything but water I think) and tear gas wich was a horrible experience for her.

The piece of paper is based specially in how she influenced in the rest of the students to go to the streets and march for their rights, in this case is the education but it can also be any other. The government of course blamed her for the chaos that the marchs provoked that year because as I already said she was the face of the whole movement and she was the person who made the call to go to the protests so is very obvious why they blamed her.

This is why she is now so popular in the whole world, the paper also talks about how people from a lot of countries sent her fan mails and wanted to talk to her (have an interview or anything else), she was like an inpiration to the youth in many countries.

The piece of paper I used:

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

Let's talk about elections

Well, if we talk about elections first of all I didn't want to vote for anyone because none of the candidates convince me so I wanted to go and invalidate my vote, writting something or just marking all of the candidates so my vote was not going to have any preference for any of the candidates, but when the time pass I look at all the candidates and I really like the things that one candidate says, even though I know she's not going to win (I don't want to vote for her because I want her to win, I'm voting for her because I like the things she says and well, between invalidate my vote and vote for someone, the answer is pretty clear), after all these thoughts I can say that yes, I'm going to vote.
I don't really like the electoral campaigns, I think it is the time were politicians just make promises but never acomplish them at the end, plus I hate all those papers all around the city contaminating everywere and blocking the view for the people that are driving (I drive so I can say that many times that I've been driving I'm not able to see because of those things).
I don't know for an exact quality, I just think that it might be a person who stays true to themself, a person that doesn't say things just because, someone that's charismatic and knows about what is failing in the country (or region, it depends on the candidate and where he or she is postulating).
I would never be a politician, I don't really like them at all, I think they are all liars and just want to have our votes smiling in their campaigns, I would hate to become one of those, I want to stay out of that world (if it's possible).
Well, like I already said I hate all the panflets that are everywhere, that's one of my principal critique I think, the whole city looks horrible with all the panflets on the buildings, streets, is just everywhere and I don't think the people actually see the signs and say like: Oh I think that sign convinces me, I'm going to vote for her/him! I think that maybe more debates or things like that would be more constructive for all the political scene.

My favorite band

Well, this is a picture of my favorite band at this very moment, their name is Parkway Drive, they are 5 guys from Australia.
I don't know a lot about them in a personal way, I just love their music. I don't know any personal thing about this guys, the most personal thing I know is that they are from Australia and love to surf.
They play a kind of music that's call "metalcore" this type of music have guitar solos, a lot of screams and drums and is the type of music I listen the most. 
What I love about this band is their music in general, the way they play it, how the singer screams (I know that this sounds really weird, but I really like that about this band), the guitar solos and specially the way the drummer plays.
Chose my favorite song is very hard, because I think it depends on the album, I've a different favorite song for each album of them, but in this very moment the song I'm listening and enjoying the most is called Wild Eyes, I just love the the way the song start with the crowd screaming and the sound of the drums.